Top 50 older song discoveries of 2018 (#50 – #46)


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John Peel used to do a Festive 50 at the end of the year on his BBC radio show. I’ll do my own version, only in this case the music is a few years old and there’s no voting. I know it’s not Christmas or even December yet but I want to get this ten-part series off and running. The newest tune is from 2010s, the oldest from the mid 1960s. You’ll also notice a number of these are discoveries from blogs I read. In case you’re wondering, the ranking is not important, so if it’s #50 or #1 doesn’t really matter. Beginning with possibly the least interesting post to readers. As all five choices are Danish. Don’t worry, I’ll get to the English language stuff later! And there is an instrumental below.






Endnu by Tommy Seebach (1986)
(An artist where I don’t enjoy everything he’s recorded. I pick out a few tracks from each album and make my own playlist. His music is regarded as cheesy by some Danes, and his musician son Rasmus Seebach is more popular with the younger generation, yet if you do a bit of digging, Tommy’s ballads are especially good. Endnu is a seize the day anthem, basically saying it’s not too late to achieve your dreams. The 1983 piano ballad Andeby is another keeper from his heyday)






Du’ Det Dejligste by Tommy Seebach (1983)
(Features one of his best vocal performances. Can bring a tear to your eye because he died three years after this 2000 live performance. The singer couldn’t handle the drop in popularity and turned to the bottle, which led to a divorce and his untimely passing aged 53. Very sad)


Finito by Tommy Seebach (1993)
(Arguably the last great song he recorded. Very moving and you might want it played at your funeral)






Bubble Sex by Tommy Seebach (1977)
(The disco-styled Apache (with a dated video I refuse to share) could be Seebach’s most recognizable instrumental. Bubble Sex (from the same album Disco Tango) is better than its smutty title indicates, a sensual instrumental with an inspired keyboard melody, accompanied by synths, guitars and violins, you picture a woman in a bubble bath with her lover due to the moans and water effects)





Morten by De Eneste To (2010)
(Heard randomly on the radio and made a point of scribbling down the name. I’m glad I did because this is the best contemporary Danish song I’ve heard in a while, great lyrics and chorus.  De Eneste To is a successful Danish band consisting of two established musicians, Peter Sommer and Simon Kvamm)





What do you think? As always, comments are welcome

6 thoughts on “Top 50 older song discoveries of 2018 (#50 – #46)

  1. I was thinking of doing something similar, actually… I’ve heard so much great music this year – both older releases and new. So much of it on the recommendation of other folks within this community, but also stuff that I was familiar with already.

    Naturally all of this here is new to me, but I’m not adverse to listening to some Danish tunes. Especially when they’re this good.

    I’m looking forward to discovering some new tunes and seeing/ hearing what else is on your list.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. @J: Will look out for your year-end lists. Yes, I also tend to discover music all the time thanks to the blogosphere.

      Seebach is a talented pianist. Many of these picks start with a piano melody, You might enjoy them despite the language barrier.

      Thanks for reading along.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. @stephen1001: Thanks. I just couldn’t rank them, so instead I’m grouping the songs which fit well together. You will no doubt recognize bands/artists as I go through the list. Not all foreign/obscure 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Forgive me for just getting to these. I’m listening as i go so I can form some sort of opinion. Of these, I didn’t know any of them and, to be honest, didn’t really like any of them aside from Bubble Sex. That one is fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. @Wendell: No worries, i haven’t exactly been burning it up with comments at your site of late! Four of these are sung in Danish so I didn’t expect them to have a wide appeal. Yeah, Bubble Sex is an underappreciated instrumental from the 70s


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