Best viral videos of 2019 so far: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content



How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content.jpeg


With a degree in library and information science, inventive visual presentation and interactive spaces interest me.  The focus of Max Joseph’s ambitious video is primarily book stores and the difficulty of finding time to read books with Netflix, podcasts, social media, YouTube, and the 24 hour news cycle. A priority issue many of us struggle with and fear of missing out (FOMO) is a sign of the times.

A travel vlog of sorts, he goes to Europe, North- and South America, and you get to be along for the ride. Sure, the platitude “so many books, not enough time” is nothing new, but he tries to go beyond that in a quest for “the most beautiful book store in the world” and ways to manage his “book store anxiety” and “content diet”.

Obviously there is not a one size fits all solution as we are all different. The world’s fastest reader Howard Berg, blogger/TED Speaker Tim Urban, as well as others are interviewed, providing insights and tips. The plan is to make a volume 2, visiting Australia, Russia and Asia which I look forward to.









What do you think? Do you have a fear of missing out on great books, films, music, or travel destinations? As always, comments are welcome

8 thoughts on “Best viral videos of 2019 so far: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content

  1. What a great video…completely relate to this. Had the same epiphany a few years ago. I intended to watch a few minutes but I’m nearly through. Don’t you just love Tim Urban? He’s such a legend. Would love to visit some of these book stores.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. @jeremyjames: Glad you liked it too. I think many wish they had energy/time to read more books.
      Tim Urban is new to me and haven’t yet explored his blog. Discovered today Max Joseph also did a 13 min short film about music called Too Old To Be New ,Too New To Be Classic.
      Fun to see how different cultures have different ways of presenting books

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I only had time to skim the video… there’s an irony that he takes 30+ minutes to tell us how busy we are: I could have spent that time reading a couple of chapters!

    Seriously though, I’m a victim of this. I’m not sure speed-reading is the answer though (you take less in and there’s less enjoyment / relaxation to reading against the clock) and while audio books are a great idea they stop me listening to music! I could listen to audio books in the car to and from work (1 hr+ a day) but I prefer to use that time listening to music.

    The biggest think I could do to get more reading time is to stop bloody blogging!

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    1. @Rol: Yes the irony of watching a video about FOMO while simultaneously having a FOMO 🙂

      Enjoying and remembering books is definitely more important than the number of books read.

      I’ve found listening to the audio book while reading the print version is helpful. Not very practical and can at times be tricky to find both identical versions


  3. Oh the irony – I really am enjoying this video but have had to pause it for FOMO on other things! What an amazing bookstore in Brussels. Sadly we only have one left now in town as the rest all had to close (and no coffee shop any more).

    Rol is right though, blogging seriously affected my ability to get through as many books in a year. I am reading far more in terms of word count, but just not books. Found an author recently whose books I like though, so got through 3 in the last month. Key thing is to leave the devices out of the bedroom (if you know what I mean!) – A book before bedtime is the way to go but too often now it’s the iPhone or the laptop. Will return to the video though – thought you were sharing a picture of yourself there at the top but it was Max!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. @Alyson: A shame bookstores are dying out and getting replaced by online options. The bigger cities still have great ones to visit such as in Brussels or London though. I set myself a New Year’s resolution to increase the number of books I read and unfortunately hasn’t gone very well so far…Need to spend less time in front of screens but when you have Netflix it’s hard to say no…I don’t have grey hair yet so can’t be a picture of me 🙂

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    1. @Silver Screenings: Glad you enjoyed watching. There’s an assumption book stores (and libraries for that matter) are dull aisles full of volumes but it doesn’t have to be that way as this video shows

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